About Stories+Songs
Stories + Songs is currently under construction. We have a lot of new things happening and are excited to share with the world soon!!
The Video Podcast is still our main focus, featuring a wide variety of artists , musicians, and entrepreneurs from across the country, being interviewed by our founder Tim Ash.
Custom Songwriting Services offers a unique experience for our patrons ,working with them , to write ,craft , and produce their very own song from their personal story. “Tell us your STORY & we’ll make it your SONG”
Brand Music Creation We have recently joined the world of “making music for brands” stay tuned for more details!

One day you will wake up and it will be too late to do all the stuff that you wanted to do….. so do it now…
— Author Unknown
Stories + Songs is the culmination of 23 years of entertainment industry experience for our founder Tim Ash.
Tim has written and recorded more than 200 songs in Nashville. He has toured the country as an opening act to some of the biggest names in the music business and as headliner for his own tours.
Tim has produced several projects for other bands and artists, as well as writing songs for them.
Tim has also toured the country as a national Youth Speaker doing assembly programs for over 100,000 Jr. High & High School Students, teaching resilience , values and the Golden Rule.
He is a multi instrumentalist playing the piano, guitar, drums,and bass guitar just to name a few as well as a trained vocalist.
As a devoted husband and loving father, Tim could no longer keep up with the rigors of a touring musician.He had the insight to recognize that he needed to pivot and adapt. He now focuses his energies on Stories + Songs , a vehicle that would allow him to dive right into the video podcast realm, and also develop his craft to become a world class composer for brand specific music under the Stories + Songs banner.